This page contains the latest release notes for the NX Server. Please contact Dynalab if there are any questions regarding these new features. Return to the Customer Downloads page.
Release 3.6.38 | 08/2023 |
- Support for maximum character length of Fixture Block and Component names from 12 to 35.
- Tester firmware version now displayed on Tester’s page.
Release 3.6.37 | 06/2022 |
- Removed firmware version column from Tester’s page due to decreased performance issues.
- Fixed issue with displaying Units Good or Units Failed Product Reports.
Release 3.6.36 | 05/2022 |
- Fixed issue that prevented specific functions from operating properly.
Release 3.6.35 | 02/2022 |
- Allow SQL database administrators to individually select VarsDetail data to not be stored in the database. This can greatly reduce the storage of unwanted data for variables that are not required for data analysis or report generation.
- Discontinue storing null data in the SQL VarsDetail table.
- Various user interface and performance improvements.
Release 3.6.33 | 03/2021 |
- Support Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
Release 3.6.31 | 01/2021 |
- Removed installation requirement for .NET 3.5
Release 3.6.30 | 11/2020 |
- Improved user interface for selecting the four custom variables. Values now entered through the webpage, versus SQL database table.
- Testers page now identifies testers firmware version. Version value is displayed in red if a firmware upgrade is highly recommended.
- Installation updated to allow SQL login credentials to be used to connect to the SQL database.
- Improved and organized all NX Server documentation.
- Support for Turkish and other regions of Microsoft Windows.
Release 3.6.27 | 06/2019 |
- When the NX Server is in restricted mode, downloading a file to the local computer or pushing a file to a tester has been disabled.
Release 3.6.24 | 03/2019 |
- Added ability to include custom variables in Product Reports for filtering and displaying in report headers
- Added support for reports containing Hipot related results.
- Discontinued storage of temporary data in the SQL VarsHeader, VarsDetail, FileHeader and FilesDetail tables.
- Installation enhancements.
- Added the ability to discover testers located on different subnets.
Release 3.6.19 | 10/2017 |
- Installation enhancements.
Release 3.6.18 | 06/2017 |
- Windows Server 2016 support.
Release 3.6.17 | 06/2016 |
- Restricted mode function.
- Search reports based on serial number or lot number.
Release 3.6.15 | 03/2013 |
- Removed requirement for individual tester license.
Release 3.6.14 | 11/2012 |
- Fixed bug with tester scanned filenames that contained spaces and other punctuation characters.
Release 3.6.12 | 01/2011 |
- Miscellaneous Updates.
Release 2 | 01/2007 |
- Enterprise Edition – Initial Release.
Release 1 | 11/2005 |
- Standard Edition – Inital Release.